Rayo is an experimental duo consisting of Richard Steel and El Fulminador. From USA and Argentina respectively, both artists are long based in Berlin, Germany, and work together on music composition and live appearances since over 7 years. For the Slaves EP, they’ve collaborated with the Cuban trumpet player and percussionist Daniel “Congo” Allen.
Previously known for their remix of the song “Heroes” [FULMEN 058], Rayo is now part of the Fulmen artist roster, and will release more musical experiments on the our soon.
02 Slaves 07:03
03 Hermannstraße 05:15
All tracks composed by Richard Steel & El Fulminador > @rayomusik
Vocals on track 01 by El Fulminador > @elfulminador
Trumpets on tracks 02 & 03 by Daniel “Congo” Allen > @el-congo
Mastering by Cotton Bud > @rich-lane-2
Released by: Fulmen Rercords
Catalogue number: FULMEN 051
Release date: 24.04.2018
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